Did you know that even on the cloudiest days, the sun shines? And even though the ground is cold and frozen, a rose bud is waiting for the right time to bless your life with its beauty? Sometimes we complain, not knowing that God is blessing us, and we are too blind to see.
I feel so blessed. I have lived a full life. Different from many of you, but all of it building experiences, gifts, and talents to be where I am today. As I grew up in rural North Dakota, I always felt like the poor kid from the wrong side of the tracks. I wore hand-me-downs, didn't have the niceties at home like indoor plumbing or electricity. Little did I know that those experiences of chopping wood, carrying water, and reading by lamp light would be the very thing I needed to bring authenticity to my book, Sometimes God Whispers. Nor did I know that all those years of telling you stories in Christmas letters or writing a column for the local paper would create a desire to do more. We just never know what plan God has for us each day. Even caring for my husband during his battle with cancer gave me insights to the human condition I might never had gained any other way.
I so appreciate all of you that purchased my book. And those of you who have read it, be assured that the adventures of Inge continue. Book number two is about 3/4 of the way done. But don't hold your breath. Nothing happens fast in this industry. Number three is a thinly veiled picture in the back of my mind.
Creating stories is a little like rewriting your life. I can do, say, or try all of those things beyond my reach through my characters. I can make them villians or heros. You can feel sympathy, hatred, desire, loathing, or love vicariously. But my greatest desire is that you find your faith in those pages. My characters experience my doubt, insecurity, and even anger at God. And it's okay. We all feel that way at one time or another. And He loves us anyway.
If you pursed the pages of Inge's travels, please leave a comment on Amazon or whatever venue you used to purchase my book. I am told even bad reviews help. I ask for honesty and/ or suggestions to improve my skills.
I think the two greatest compliments I have received so far are "It's so pretty." and "I can see everything that is happening." That tells me so much. As a person who reads not words, but pictures, I feel I have given you a picture of Inge's world. And that makes me happy.
May God bless you in the New Year!